Fireplace HD+

Prepare yourself for a magical virtual fireplace experience with Fireplace HD+ for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch.



"Not everyone has access to a fireplace, but an iPad app is bringing a seasonal pleasure into the digital age" - Mobiledia

"Fireplace HD+ offers a great iPad virtual fireplace experience to please all" -

"enjoy the enchanting sight and sound of a crackling fire in the palm of your hand" - AppPicker

"add a bit of “warmth” to your home or office space during a chilly winter’s night" - Tapscape


Fireplace HD+ not only acts as a stand-alone virtual fireplace, it also comes with many great enhancing features, including:

- The choice of 5 fireplace scenes, these include 3 traditional log burning fires & 2 modern fireplace themes.

- A selection of piano background music that plays along with the soothing crackle and blaze of the fire.

- A selection of radio channels * - The ability to search for radio stations based on artist or song title.

- A fire crackling background audio that can be turned on/off to enhance your virtual fireplace experience (this will function with the other music options).

- An optional sleep timer that when activated will stop all playing video and audio at your chosen time.

AIRPLAY ON APPLE TV: We are delighted to introduce a new "AirPlay Enhanced" version of our default fireplace scene. The scene contains no scene looping & requires streaming over a reliable wifi or data connection due to its long running time. This is a perfect solution for a user wishing to use standard AirPlay to beam the fireplace to their Apple TV. Fireplace HD+ makes the perfect companion for relaxation, general/holiday entertainment and also makes a great sleep aid.


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* The radio option is fully supported on iPad, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5 & above.

25 Dec 2013

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